Monday: Have your child rainbow write
this/her spelling words. Have your child explain to you the ‘phonics standard’
he/she is working on in each column of the word sorts. Have him/her write 5
words that match each of their phonetic rules. Their individual phonics
standards are the same as the ‘feature’ listed at the top of their word
sorts. Don’t forget to practice reading
on Raz – Kids and math on IXL.com!
Tuesday: Have your child sort their
spelling words, put them in ABC order, read them, and spell them to you. Have
your child explain to you the ‘phonics standard’ he/she is working on in each
column of the word sorts. Have him/her to pick five of the words and write them
in a complete sentence. They should be using a capital letter at the beginning,
a noun and a verb in the sentence, and a correct punctuation mark at the
end. Don’t forget to practice reading on
Raz – Kids and math on IXL.com! Wednesday: Practice math skills on IXL. If you do not have internet, I will be more than happy to send home a practice worksheet. I may also continue asking your child to practice flats, rods and cubes – if he/she needs practice with place value. Please make sure that you are asking him/her to point at the ‘one’s place,’ ‘ten’s place,’ and ‘hundred’s place.’ I have found that some kids are able to ‘build’ the number and understand the value of the cubes as 1, rods as 10, and flats as 100. However, they are still confusing which place the number is written. This will just take lots of practice. Practice spelling words. Don’t forget to practice reading on Raz – Kids and math on IXL.com!
Thursday: Have your child do as many multiple representations for the number 116 as he/she can think to do. We will be adding some new ways to create numbers this week. The copy of the rubric that is taped in the front of your child’s agenda should be getting really easy for him/her. However, your child must use that rubric in order to get credit for being able to do this skill. Please help make sure your child is writing on the lines correctly and keeping his/her work neat. I will be keeping some of these Thursday assignments in his/her portfolio to prove that he/she can do this standard. It is extremely important!
Please study spelling words, read on Raz-Kids, and Practice IXL nightly! Even if it only for a few minutes!

Hi this is Addi, I did my homework.
ReplyDeletemallory did her homework
ReplyDeleteLeo will bring eggs
ReplyDeleteAwesome, and THANK YOU! Will that be one carton?