Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wonderful Week 5!

Welcome to Week 5! I can't believe how fast the year is going. I am getting some grades in online on the parent portal. I have posted spelling grades by this point. Please remember that our true grading system is 1 - Working Towards, 2 - Meets the Standard, and 3 - Exceeds the standard. The only way to get a 2 is to make a 100. If your child has a 75 in spelling, he or she has a 1 in spelling. This just means they are 'working toward' meeting that standard. I know it can get confusing. The best way to think about it is they have to make a 100 to meet the standard. Grades above a 100 can't be seen on the parent portal. Which means your child may have a 3 on the report card and a 100 on the parent portal. However, it is noted in his/her average and will be added in to their grades. If he/she does poorly on an assignment, extra credit will be earned by getting a 3 (or exceeding the standard) on an individual assignment. All assignments are weighted equally. I hope this all makes sense. Please feel free to call me if you need.

I hope you have a GREAT week!!!

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